The North American Wetlands Conservation Council (NAWCC) (Canada) is Canada’s mechanism to implement the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, a partnership between stakeholders in Canada, the United States and Mexico that work collaboratively to conserve and protect wetland and upland habitats, and associated waterfowl populations, by connecting people with nature. Established in 1990 by the Federal Minister of the Environment, NAWCC (Canada) also oversees implementation of NAWMP’s U.S. funding mechanism, the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), in Canada.
Specifically, NAWCC (Canada) takes a leadership role in the conservation of wetland and associated upland habitats in Canada by working strategically with numerous partners across North America to plan and achieve wetland and waterfowl conservation.
To act on its mandate, the Council established a Secretariat that coordinates the Council’s various activities. The NAWCC (Canada) Secretariat, housed at Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, sits as an observer on NAWCC (Canada) to support and facilitate Council business. Additionally, since 2003, a NAWCC (Canada) Staff Committee informs and implement the objectives, strategic directives and decisions of Council.
North American Wetlands Conservation Council (Canada) members are drawn from federal, provincial and or territorial governments and non-government organizations. This partnership includes 12 members and includes Council Chairs, Executive Director, Canadian Wildlife Service; NGO Representative (currently Ducks Unlimited Canada)
Role | Details |
Council Co-Chairs (2) |
Plan Committee Member |
Habitat Joint Venture Representatives |
Species Joint Venture Representatives
Non-governmental Organizations |
Provincial / Territorial Representatives
Ex-officio members |