The North American Wetlands Conservation Council (NAWCC) (Canada) is Canada’s mechanism to implement the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, a partnership between stakeholders in Canada, the United States and Mexico that work collaboratively to conserve and protect wetland and upland habitats, and associated waterfowl populations, by connecting people with nature. Established in 1990 by the Federal Minister of the Environment, NAWCC (Canada) also oversees implementation of NAWMP’s U.S. funding mechanism, the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), in Canada. 

Specifically, NAWCC (Canada) takes a leadership role in the conservation of wetland and associated upland habitats in Canada by working strategically with numerous partners across North America to plan and achieve wetland and waterfowl conservation. 

To act on its mandate, the Council established a Secretariat that coordinates the Council’s various activities. The NAWCC (Canada) Secretariat, housed at Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, sits as an observer on NAWCC (Canada) to support and facilitate Council business. Additionally, since 2003, a NAWCC (Canada) Staff Committee informs and implement the objectives, strategic directives and decisions of Council.

North American Wetlands Conservation Council (Canada) members are drawn from federal, provincial and or territorial governments and non-government organizations. This partnership includes 12 members and includes Council Chairs, Executive Director, Canadian Wildlife Service; NGO Representative (currently Ducks Unlimited Canada)




Council Co-Chairs (2)
  • Canadian Federal Representative
    • Daniel Wolfish – Director General, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Regional Operations
  • Provincial or Non-Governmental Organization Representative
    • Pat Kehoe – Director of International Partnerships, Ducks Unlimited Canada
Plan Committee Member 

  • NAWMP Plan Committee Co-chair
    • Daniel Wolfish – Director General, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Regional Operations
Habitat Joint Venture



  • Eastern Habitat Joint Venture Chair
    • Jennyfer Tolley – Director, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Atlantic Region
  • Prairie Habitat Joint Venture Chair
    • Vanessa Charlwood – Director, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service,  Prairie and Northern Region
  • Canadian Intermountain Joint Venture Chair &Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture Chair
    • Blair Hammond – Director, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service,  Pacific Region
Species Joint Venture




  • Sea Duck Joint Venture Canadian Co-Chair
    • Al Hanson – Head, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Atlantic Region, Aquatic Assessment
  • Black Duck Joint Venture Canadian Co-Chair
    • Jack Hughes – Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Population Conservation
  • Arctic Goose Joint Venture Canadian Co-Chair
    • Myra Robertson – DirectorEnvironment and Climate Change Canada, Northern Canadian Wildlife Service



  • Ducks Unlimited Canada
  • Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation 
    • Stephen Carlyle – Chief Executive Office
  • Nature Conservancy of Canada
    • Kathryn Folkl – Director, North American Partnerships
  • The Nature Trust of British Columbia
    • Jasper Lament – Chief Executive Officer
  • Wildlife Habitat Canada
    • Cameron Mack – Executive Director
Provincial / Territorial




  • Eastern Provincial Representatives (Quebec and Ontario)
    • Antoine Nappi – Head of Service for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Wetlands, Department of Expertise in Terrestrial Fauna, Herpetofauna and Avifauna, Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks
    • Cathy Darevic, Policy Coordinator, Natural Heritage, Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Ontario
    • Scott Makepeace, Manager, Habitat Stewardship and Conservation, Forest Planning and Stewardship Branch, New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development
Ex-officio members 

  • Jacey Scott-Co-Chair, NAWCC (Canada) Staff Committee – Head, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Regional Operations Directorate, Wetlands Office
  • Dave Kostersky-Co-Chair, NAWCC (Canada) Staff Committee – Manager of State Partnerships, Ducks Unlimited Canada
  • Dean Smith – NAWMP Director/ Canadian Wildlife Liaison, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies





The North American Wetland Conservation Council (NAWCC) Canada Strategic Plan 2020-2030 communicates NAWCC Canada’s vision, mission and goals for the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Conservation Plan (NAWMP) to partners, stakeholders and the public.


NAWCC Canada Vision

Canada has abundant and resilient wetlands that are sustained and valued, and whose health and maintenance contribute to waterfowl and wetland-dependent species conservation, as well as broader biodiversity and environmental objectives.

NAWCC Canada Mission

To advance the conservation of Canada’s wetlands and wetland-dependent species through sound science, appropriate governance, partnerships, communications and other conservation mechanisms in general, and through achievement of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) in particular.


The NAWCC Canada Strategic Plan 2020-2030 outlines strategies that will guide the next 10 years of planning, coordination, decision-making, communication and allocation of resources for the successful delivery of the NAWMP in Canada.


NAWCC Canada Strategies

To view the entire NAWCC (Canada) Strategic Plan 2020-2030